Thursday, April 14, 2011

182. bright lights

so i havent blogged in a while cuz well i have nothing to blog about, yet again. BUT i'll fill you in on whats been happening in my neck of the woods. I have recently joined the worship team as u know from a couple post ago. Its SO fun. I love it. and hmmm other than that just the usual work hang church. Wildfire has been awesome in the past few weeks with an attendance of 104 last week. Thats pretty sweet. I've also found time to hang with people i dont normally hang with so thats been awesome.

Yesterday i went to the states and it was swell, I had a bunch of fun. went to ROSS and i picked up a dress to wear to Ricardo and Patricia's wedding this upcoming saturday. im pretty pumped for it. Also picked up some sweet clothes. Then went to the mall and target where everything was switched around cuz they're renovating or something, but they had some sweet stuff so i also bought stuff there. Starburst has Jelly beans people! right!? who would have thought. Its too bad im on a fast cuz man im dying to eat some. Then we went to "Mi Mexico" against my will. theres a story behind why i avoid it. let me recap. [went there when Chanel was still here and she dared me to leave my number to the server so i did and we lefft not thinking that he would text us back at all cuz well, why would he. Anyways he texted me and it was wierd. I never went there again since then and that was like last august.] anyways haha i was so paranoid that he'd pop up outta no where and recognize me, so i sat at the farthest end closest to the window and made sure that Yaisa sat beside me covering me just in case. It was intense. Turns out he wasnt working that day. phewww.... but yes after that we hit up cost cutters to pick up some Peace Tea for well Pauls Gabs Nicks Lens Eds and myself obvs. it was swell. OH and i also picked up some coconut water cuz apparently its really good for you. (not a very awesome flavor but well, it does the job)

yes, that is about all the excitement that i have had in the past few weeks.

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