Wednesday, November 24, 2010

108. Shaping our Destiny

so since i haven't blogged in ages, i figure i would blog now about well what seems to be important in my life. So a couple of weeks ago we had "shaping our destiny" which is where we as an individual writes down the things we are believing for in the next year. then we give and offering and pray as a group or with our families. This year i got to pray with my family and Monica who is like a sister to me, and then i had the amazing chance of praying with my best friends Gabbi and Nicky. There has def been a lot of things on our hearts to pray for so we went up and took forever. it was an amazing time though to hear what they were believeing for and even to pray for them individually was awesome. but anyways this card should be intimate and all, but im gonna share a few of mine with you.

and these are pretty much the things that mean the most to me.

1. Mike Kraan- that he is continuing to heal to his full capacity and that he is the same as before with an even bigger longing to find what God has in store for him
2.finances- I have big dreams and i need this to achieve them.
3.Chanel and Letitia- purpose for why they are where they are and jobs that continue to pay for their needs and vision. TO BE RESTORED

there are way more but these ones are just some of the ones i want to share.

but anyways, what are u believing for in the next year? nothing it too small for God. Have faith, and put the work in.

"When we do all we can, he does what we cant."
-John Burns

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